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Code Sharing

Private·3387 members


This site is not associated with Gimkit, rather a code sharing website made by CringeKarlScott.

For a little more info please visit the about page in the top right

Common mistake made by most new users: Asking if people want to create a game or asking for a code. Please ask in groupchat and then proceed to post the code here.


Welcome to the Gimkit Wixsite Code Sharing Group!

This is a place where you can post your codes for others to join and play with you.

You can also post showcase links in here as well to show off your map making skills to other users.

Need help on a map? Post your creative code here and friends or others can help you create.***


***(It is recommended that you limit the permissions on maps to prevent griefing)

***Please also note we are not responsible for your damaged games. If your map has been destroyed by some random person, most likely it's not us.

To prevent damage from your map, please do not turn any permissions on.


Now for some ground rules

  1. Don't spam (Post the same code more than once)

  2. Don't post inappropriate reactions on other posts (including yours)'

  3. Don't like your own post.

  4. No vulgar language

  5. Be respectful of others

  6. Listen and obey Mods and Admins

  7. Please only post codes

It's also strongly recommended to delete your codes so others aren't seeing invalid codes everywhere.

And finally,

You want to make admins happy?

Then please read the rules, it does us mods a huge favor not having to correct people or delete posts

The rules can be found in the top right corner

Or right here --> CLICK ME


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • May 25, 2023


  • CringeKarlScott

    Created by

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