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About This Site

When the Gimkit Creative Forum was launched as a help site, people often wanted to share their games. The rules of the site stated that users couldn't post game codes or links. For many users, the Gimkit Discord is unavailable as a spot to share due to school blocking policies.


On May 25th, 2023, CringeKarlScott decided to create this site as a place for people to connect. He made a space for sharing codes but also just chatting. Since then, the site has continued to grow. In December 2023, the site reached 1000 members. It is now the largest Gimkit fan site.


In late December, Karl decided that the site was putting too much strain on him. He retired and passed ownership to the three most trusted moderators, Cassius, Hat, and Rekt, who led the site as admins. Rekt has since been replaced by Kat_Mac.



This site is not associated with Gimkit.

Please don't ask us for free skins or suggest features to add to Gimkit. If you want to suggest something, go to Gimkit Feedback ( If you want help from the official support team, email

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Cassius Doomlorde

Staff Bio

Nicknames: Cassius, Cass, (Sassy) Cassy, CD

Rank: Admin

Date Joined: September 25, 2023

Mod Date: November 7, 2023

Timezone: EST

Favorite Gim: Solaria, Zenith


GKC Devices Skills

Art Skill

Coolness of Name

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Hi, I'm Cassius.


I'm an admin on the Wixsite, as well as the primary site designer. I was on the forums, but I don't spend much time there anymore. â€‹I can also be found on Discord.


Gimkit projects I have include: an FFA game, Asteroid War; an RPG, Doodle Adventure; and the Pen Texture Pack.

Selfie with a buggy trigger

Cats are better than dogs. Brackets [] are better than parentheses (). Padlet sucks.​

My computer is on dark mode and night light mode.

I'm not an artist, I'm a tactician.

I play real time and turn strategy games.

[And Minecraft, obviously.] ​

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The Pen Texture Pack

Retired Staff members

A brief list of retired Staff members, in chronological order.


NavyCatZ was a moderator in the summer of 2023. Voluntarily resigned.


Lxmas was a moderator in fall 2023. Honorably demoted due to inactivity.


Pi was a moderator in late 2023. Honorably demoted due to inactivity.

That's Gimpossible

Gimpossible was a moderator in late 2023. Honorably demoted due to inactivity.


Beanine (ClicClac) was a moderator in late 2023. Honorably demoted due to inactivity.


Wolftech was a moderator in fall-winter 2023. Demoted due to insubordination and disrespect.


Magenta was a moderator in spring-summer 2024. Voluntarily resigned.


Wingwave was a moderator in spring-summer 2024. Honorably demoted due to inactivity.


JT was a moderator in spring-summer 2024. Voluntarily resigned.


Blackfox was a moderator+ in spring-winter 2024. Voluntarily resigned.


28RD was a mod in fall-winter for 2024-25. Voluntarily resigned.

Rekt was a moderator since summer 2023. In 2024, he became one of the first admins. Voluntarily resigned January 16, 2025.
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